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This game is an RPG board game. The player has their role and goals in the game, they will try their best to get benefits and achieve the role’ goal for themselves. The player will get an avatar, the dice will decide how far they will go for each step, the table on the map is the key, only the player closest to the public sea environment will be the winner.


Marine animal’s life depends on your decision!

Vision Statement & Top Level Summary of Game Idea 

Sacrifice the environment or sacrifice yourself, weigh your every move and make a decision to get the balance. Roll the dice to make your move, different spots you are standing on or the decision you make will bring different effects. Make the self convenience point the closest value to the environment point to become the winner.

Why your project is Innovative 

What’s new/interesting/cool/exciting/different about your project?

Our topic is about protecting the marine animals, players can decide to either use some products to convenient themselves but it is not beneficial to the marine animals, or use some way to benefit sea environment and marine animals but it will reduce self-convenience. So the game’s objective is to balance the value of the public sea environment and self-convenience. 

Why is your project relevant? How does it provide a meaningful and/or desirable experience to the users? 

In our game, we stand on the normal person’s view, because we believe that people always forget they have power to protect marine life more than they thought. All questions are about marine life and the winning condition is also related to our topic concept. The player will learn that their decisions are important, more important is that their action would hurt other life.

For your showcase and any potential players really: what would be your main “selling points”? Why should anyone care about it and want to play it?

Our game is addressing the problem and using the game to package it lets the player understand the core concept of the game which is their action and decision will hurt marine life. The parents would like to buy it for their children, because it teaches kids the lesson of protection of marine life and also exercise their decision making ability. Young teens will like it because it is also a fun game for friends, containing interaction between players. The low entry barrier expanded the audience group, its concept is also a “selling point” of the game, it is meaningful and playful. 


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Decisions are everywhere in our daily life, as a citizen who needs to balance the environment and self convenience system. 


  • Time: After any player finish two rounds (around 20 minutes for 4 players)

  • Number of the player: 2-6

  • Props: A board with a map that we create, 13 chances cards, 3 animal cards, (number of player x 2) +1 pawns


Get the player’s self convenience value the closest value to the environment value and avoiding all the animal die at the same time. 

Core Gameplay

The player needs to roll the dice to determine how far he/she can go, make a decision if there is a question or draw the chance chance card. Every move or decision can change the environment or self convenience value, the player needs to make sure both the values are close or even equal and avoid the death of the animal to win the game. This game is not only about luck but strategy, analysis how the other players will change the environment value and make a decision wisely to be the only winner.

Narrative / Story

You are living in a city that is near the sea. Nowadays, there are many people who say citizens should care about marine life more, people find that most run around fish are hurt by plastic products, as a normal citizen what will you do? 

Game Mechanics


2~6 people

Age of Target Audience



map, animals cards, chance cards, dice, pawns


  1. Each player choose two pawns with the same color (except yellow), place 1 pawn placed on the self convenience table and another pawn at the start point

  2. The yellow pawn places on the public sea environment table, this pawn is for public control

  3. Place three animal cards on the three frames next to the bottom of the table and face up

  4. Place all the chance card on the frame next to the top of the table and face down

  5. Choose a player to go first

  6. On her turn, each player rolls the dice to decide how many steps they can move on the map

  7. Each player change their points based on the decision they made

  8. The play alternates until one of the players arrive at the start point twice, then the game ends


  1. Whenever the public sea environment value gets below the red line one animal will die, flip one animal card. After one animal dies, if the value gets even lower than 15 again, one more animal dies, if 3 animals all die then game over.

  2. After the player change the pawn’s location, the player doesn’t need to do the action from that square

  3. When the player’s pawn is placed on the start point in the second round, the player can move any player’s self convenience value for 5 points

Play Matrix

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Our game is more about the chance since the player’s steps which means what decision they are going to make is decided by the dice, and there are chance cards, it also needs skill because the player needs the correct decision to help them win. Our game is a board game. It does not require any physical dexterity except to move the pawn and roll the dice, it requires mental calculation because the player needs to calculate their points, and how to balance the points.

Rule Sheet

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